October 2024– date –
BBQ under moon light
BBQ under moon light will produce a bit of touchy feelings. Feel free to DM us!Homepage: en.plh.jpBooking through Airbnb : #pineluxuryhomestay #足利フラワーパーク #日光 #BBQ#ココワイナリ#ashikagaflowerpark -
Night BBQ
Once you check in and get relaxed, you ae welcome to use our BBQ facility at night.There are supermarkets around where you can get what you need.We are haapy to help you start a fire as well.The night BBQ can be one of your precious memo... -
A group of medical students stayed here.
A group of medical students stayed here.They decided to chill out before medical training begins.Hosting is a fun job for me to do as I can see various kinds of people, some of whom I do not see in my daily lives. Feel free to DM us!Home... -
The BBQ facility is available here.
The BBQ facility is available here. It will be a good idea to cruse around the area in the daytime and have BBQ at night. There are a couple of supermarkets nearby so you can get everything you need. We can give you transportation as wel... -
Coworkers at a company stayed here.
Coworkers at a company stayed here. They enjoyed BBQ at night and chilled out inside the loghouse after that, The weather turns out to nice here finally. It is a BBQ season!Feel free to DM us!Homepage: en.plh.jpBooking through Airbnb :